Saturday, February 15, 2025
HomeHealthTips To Reduce Gas: Which Foods Cause Gas And Bloating?

Tips To Reduce Gas: Which Foods Cause Gas And Bloating?

Passing gas or bloating is common and natural. Excessive belching is a sign of swelling, bloating, and pain in the area of the abdomen. It can interfere with your daily life activities and even cause embarrassment in certain cases.

These symptoms are not associated with any serious medical condition. People can reduce it using simple lifestyle changes. There is something wrong when belching, bloating or gas is interfering with your daily life activities.


Gas present in your digestive system is part of the process of digestion that is completely normal. But you may have issues if you have excessive gas in the digestive system. It is normal to pass gas by or burp. If gas is not moving through your digestive system normally, you may get gas pain.

Trapped gas in the area of your digestive system can also cause pain. When you eat certain foods that produce a large amount of gas in your digestive system, you get excessive gas or start producing it. Simple changes in your habits of eating can help you to get rid of bothersome gas.

Certain disorders of the digestive system such as celiac disease or bowel syndrome are involved in causing certain symptoms like an increase in the pain of gas.


Following are the symptoms of having excess gas.

  • Passing gas
  • Burping
  • Cramps, pain, and feeling knotted in the abdominal area
  • Increase the size of the abdomen

Burping is considered normal after a meal. Most people pass gas certain times a day like 20 times. That is the reason it can be embarrassing or inconvenient while having gas.


Primarily, swallowing air while drinking or eating can cause gas in the stomach. When you burp, most of the gas is released from your body. The formation of gas occurs in the area of your large intestine when bacteria start fermenting some sugars, carbohydrates, fibers, and starches.

Common Foods That Lead To Gas

Some high fiber foods can cause gas like whole grains, beans and peas, vegetables, and fruits. They also increase the production of gas in your body. Though fibers enhance the production of gas, they are important to keep your digestive tract normal.


People are experiencing many alterations due to social distancing including how they manage daily life routines, how they eat, and how much exercise they do. Many changes are occurring at once, it is usual that we may have certain symptoms we do not experience normally.

These symptoms include bloating. It refers to the feeling when your stomach feels that it is full uncomfortably. Some describe it as containing balloons in the area of their belly. Bloating can be recovered on its own but it has some causes.

  • Constipation: When you spend a great time at home, your physical activity may become less. You may consume different foods that can cause constipation. In this case, mix up the diet and use fiber supplements.
  • Hormones: Sometimes culprits are hormones. Women may get cramps, bloating and pain in the area of the abdomen before or during their menstruation. It is normal because hormones are involved in the regulation of the menstrual cycle. In this case, drink a lot and try to eat low-sodium foods. Try to exercise on a regular basis and stop using alcohol or reduce its frequency.
  • Excess Gas: Sometimes gas starts building up in the area of your intestine that causes pain and bloating. When undigested food is broken down in the area of your colon, one can have gas. It produces hydrogen and methane which individuals pass naturally like a gas. Modify your food if you do not want to have bloating issues.
  • High Calories: People do bake when they get free time. But when you consume extra calories specifically that are found in bread, cookies, or cake, you can experience bloating in your stomach. Reserve these recipes for certain events or use them once a week.
  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS): It is a common condition that leads to constipation, diarrhea, abdominal pain, and bloating. Doctors are not sure about its exact causes but the blaming factors may be food sensitivity, bacterial infections, and stressful events. Visit your doctor to be diagnosed and treated properly if you think you have the symptoms of IBS. Different medications and lifestyle changes help to relieve symptoms. You can also try some home remedies to reduce bloating.

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